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What is Rapid Trauma Resolution™

Rapid Trauma Resolution was developed by Dr. Jon Connelly.  As stated at Dr. Connelly’s website “Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution is an innovative method that painlessly eliminates the negative influence from traumatic events even when there are no conscious memories of these events. This integrative and holistic approach completely resolves the psychological and physiological effects of trauma.”

Unlike other therapies which require reliving of past events, Rapid Trauma Resolution is a compassionate approach to healing and positive change. Rapid Trauma Resolution clears the effects of trauma gently and painlessly. Afterward people often report that they are left with a feeling of energy and peace.

I have extensive experience and training with Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution and am considered a Master Practitioner.  I have become an Associate Trainer with Dr. Connelly.

How It Works

Past events exerting a negative effect can range from experiences as “normal” as a sharp word from a teacher or parent to those as terrible as rape, torture and war. Dr. Connelly’s Rapid Resolution Therapy eliminates the negative emotional or behavioral influence of traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten. It is not necessary to relive past events or experience any pain. The mind is cleared, organized and optimized. There are dramatic improvements in thoughts, feelings and behavior. Unconscious conflicts blocking desired change are pinpointed and resolved. As the root cause of problems is cleared, positive change endures.

Video recognition goes to Dr. Connelly; for more information regarding Dr. Connelly or Rapid Trauma Resolution go to:
Rapid Resolution Therapy or Clear Trauma sites.”

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